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DASH not working in IE11

Please refer this page https://videodesk.tv/nodashie11.html In my Windows 10 computer, using IE11 mode. The player loads but will not play the video, it just spins I have tried with some personal and also public available sources, all the same \\ When you open in Chrome the video plays \\ So please explain how it is you say that DASH is supported in IE11 under Windows 8.1+

My video only has one quality despite me giving it 7 sources

I am instantiating a jw player, with videos hosted on limelight. my setup call receives these parameters (note i have hidden the urls with [...] for security) { "description": "Video Description", "title": "Video Title", "sources": [ { "file": "rtmp://s2.csl.delvenetworks.com/a4820/l1/mp4:media/[...].mp4", "bitrate": 322 }, { "file": "rtmp://s2.csl.delvenetworks.com/a4820/l1/mp4:media/[...].mp4", "bitrate": 772 }, { "file": "rtmp://s2.csl.delvenetworks.com/a4820/l1/mp4:media/[...].mp4", "bitrate": 128 }, { "file": "rtmp://s2.csl.delvenetworks.com/a4820/l1/mp4:media/[...].mp4", "bitrate": 1072 }, { "file": "rtsp://s2.cml.delvenetworks.com/a4820/l1/media/[...].3gp", "bitrate": 128 }, { "file": "http://s2.cpl.delvenetworks.com/media/[...].mp4", "bitrate": 322 }, { "file": "rtmp://s2.csl.delvenetworks.com/a4820/l1/mp4:media/[...].mp4", "bitrate": 472 } ], "image": "http://img.delvenetworks.com/[...].jpeg", "primary": "flash", "autostart": true, "width": 934, "height": 526, "ratio": 1.7, "startparam": "ms", "displaytitle": false, "start": 0, } When I run getQualityLevels(), I only get one value, truncated after mp4:media. I have read the docs suggesting to use a descriptor file for various sources, but Limelight doesn't provide this in their API at the moment. Hence why I am feeding it various sources. I need the player to play the highest quality video by default. but unfortunately only plays the lowest quality one and has no other qualities for me to switch to Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

How to completely self host JWPlayer 7?

We have an important customer that is taking issue with the player using the below JW CDN files. Is there a way to completely self host the player so that ALL files are coming from our server/domain? http://p.jwpcdn.com/6/12/jwpsrv.js http://p.jwpcdn.com/6/jwpsrv_frq.js http://jwpltx.com/v1/jwplayer6/ping.gif?tv=23&n=409466519174.......

Video does not play on chrome and native browser installed on Android device

We have been working on a video streaming project, the video work fine on chrome but does not seems to work on any other browser. As far as the mobile devices are concerned the video seems to work fine on Iphone safari, but doesn't seem to work on android devices. if(streamerType == "rtmp") { jwplayer(elementID).setup({ primary: 'flash', // LIVE streamer: ''+streamerType+'://www.example.com:1935/videos/_definst_?' + file: data.episodeURL, width: 700, height: 400, autostart: true }); }else if(streamerType == "rtsp") { jwplayer(elementID).setup({ file: 'rtsp://www.example.com:1935/videos/sample.mp4', width: 700, height: 400, autostart: true, androidhls: true, fallback: false, }); }else if(streamerType == "http") { jwplayer(elementID).setup({ file: 'http://www.example.com:1935/videos/_definst_/mp4:'+data.episodeURL+'/playlist.m3u8', // image: "/assets/myVideo.jpg", width: 700, height: 400, autostart: true }); } Can anyone guide what are we doing wrong?

JWPlayer - Is Wowza my ONLY solution to this?

Hi, I'm looking to buy JWPlayer but need something resolved. I was looking at Wowza because I believe it's the only way I can acquire an adaptive bitrate playback for my site users --For example, Youtube will AUTO select anything from 144p - 1080p depending on the viewers internet speed, I understand the same can be achieved using Wowza and JWPlayer. However this little feature (Wowza) is $65/month - So I was wondering is there any alternative for adaptive bitrate streaming? I know I can use Amazon S3 - but they only will playback one version of your video whereas Wowza apparently will play back the BEST version based on the viewers internet speed. Appreciate any feedback.

Crossdomain access denied JW Player 7

I'm trying to upgrade from JWP6 to 7 on wordpress and have run into the crossdomain issue when loading in flash on Chrome and Firefox and natively through Safari on OSX Yosemite. The files are hosted on S3 and distributed through Cloud Front I've created and placed a crossdomain file with the following code in both the S3 buckets for the streams, backup mp4s and the thumbnails: Here is the test page https://www.parellisavvyclub.com/crossdomaintest/ Here is my code. Keep in mind I have the androidhls line in antcipation of upgrading to JWP7 and am using primary flash to force the test. If I remove the primary flash line, the player will load the backup mp4s however it will not load the m3u8 stream even in Safari. Here is my code: Loading the player... var playerInstance = jwplayer("myElement"); playerInstance.setup({ playlist: [{ sources: [{ file: "https://d3fk8fzsguno39.cloudfront.net/M01ProblemHorseTying/M01ProblemHorseTying.m3u8", title: "Problem-Solving : Tying" },{ file: "https://d3fk8fzsguno39.cloudfront.net/M01ProblemHorseTying/USP.mp4", title: "Problem-Solving : Tying" },{ file: "https://d3fk8fzsguno39.cloudfront.net/M01ProblemHorseTying/AdvancedSmartPhone.mp4", title: "Problem-Solving : Tying" },{ file: "https://d3fk8fzsguno39.cloudfront.net/M01ProblemHorseTying/AdvancediOS.mp4", title: "Problem-Solving : Tying" },{ file: "https://d3fk8fzsguno39.cloudfront.net/M01ProblemHorseTying/Android720P.mp4", title: "Problem-Solving : Tying" }] }], primary: 'flash', androidhls: 'true' });

Analytics question

Is there a way in JW6 to get a peak concurrent views? In JW7 does live streaming have minutes viewed working?

JWplayer stops playing video after 2-3 minutes, audio continues to play in FireFox

OS : Windows 7 Hardware : Lenovo 3000 Laptop Drivers : All updated Browser : Firefox 40.0.3 (Latest stable) Flash player : Not installed (Should I ?) Site that shows issue : Putlocker Plugin installed : Ghostery The video simply freezes after 2-3 minutes and the audio keeps on playing. Had the issue with multiple (if not all) videos. Any solution to this ?

Player not working with different web browsers

Hello, there! We were trying our player (which is provided by you and you might find it here: http://www.digitaliafilmlibrary.com/) in different web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox and Safari, and we came out with two different problems: 1) some movies will stop streaming in Chrome (even after we've checked them right after uploading them to the server), but work in Firefox and Safari; but 2) subtitles cannot be displayed in both Safari and Firefox. Is there a solution to these problems? Thank you very much. All the best.

ABR Selector (Dropdown) on Mobile Devices?

I even used Demo JW Stream-tester (http://demo.jwplayer.com/stream-tester .. which i believe all the features are enabled there) but i still can not get ABR (Adaptive Bitrate) Dropdown Selector on my Mobile Devices (iOS, Android). It is not that, ABR is not there. ABR is there and the Dropdown Selector is visible on Desktop Browsers (like: Chrome, Firefox). But on Mobile Devices, it is not shown. Let's say i have a (valid working) Live Stream from Wowza: http://xx.xx.xx.xx:1935/live/smil:myStream.smil/playlist.m3u8 So then how do i make the "ABR Selector" shown on Mobile Devices please? Thanks much. Kind regards, Arkar

Wowza secure token and JW player 7.0.3

here is my code for rtmp.The following code works properly not with jwplayer 7 and 7.0.3 with secure token var playerInstance = jwplayer("myElement"); jwplayer('player').setup({ skin: { name: "stormtrooper" }, autostart: true, width: "100%", aspectratio: "16:9", logo: { file: 'rsz_ubroadcastlogo.jpg', }, sharing: {link: "http://serveraddress/player/streamAuth.php"}, stretching: 'exactfit', sources: [{ file: stream }], rtmp: { bufferlength: 6, securetoken: "7635e0195c7a4580", } }); It works properly with jwplayer 7 (7.0.3), with no secure token. Streaming provided by Wowza 4.3 No way to work with rtmp.When I tried to use secure token TEA just only with rtmp, jwplayer 7 doesn't work. The player at play event shows a continue loading buffer icon with any message. Any help? Thank you in advance

HLS Multi Audio switch delay (LIVE)

Hi, We had no clear answer on that last question : http://support.jwplayer.com/customer/portal/questions/12771950-hls-multi-audio-track-switch-delay Today we made a live test with 8 tracks and the audio switching can take up to 90 seconds (content start right away on page load) When testing with the vod content on your page here : http://support.jwplayer.com/customer/portal/articles/1761348-multiple-audio-renditions Switching is much much faster Could you please help us ? *we can provide the live manifest in private Regards,

Jwplayer and Wowza. Very slow to start video with rtmp and smil.

Hi, it's a serious issue for me. Pls help! Wowza 4.0.2, a fast linux server, fast internet, and jwplayer 7.0.3. With direct rtmp the start of video is immediate: http://www.iltuocorso.secchiemoschino.it/testvideo/TestRtmp.htm With smil file is terrible: almost 40 seconds to start! http://www.iltuocorso.secchiemoschino.it/testvideo/TestSmil.htm And the mp4 called file is the same in both test ! Smil file is here: What's wrong??? I tried adding bufferlength but it seems this is not important. The result (also with 0.1) is the same. A lot of time before video starts. When the video starts it seems good. Rewind and Forward are fast, as you can see. Thank you in advance

HLS Primary and backup bitrates show up in selection list

Hello Support, Some time ago a question was asked about HLS streams taht comform to the Apple guidelines of having a primary and backup feed in an interleaved .m3u8 file: http://support.jwplayer.com/customer/portal/questions/11404384-hls-labels-backup-streams-compatibility- While the question was asked, it was never resolved. I too am experiencing this issue with JWPlayer 7.0.3 and would like to inquire about it's current status. I would have attached this inquiry to the above link, but QA was closed. Additionally, the bitrates appear out of order. Could an option be added to JWPlayer that would auto-sort the bitrates in the selector, if we want it? Something like 'sortbitrates': true, ? Thank you, -Cephas

Security missing

We got two issues which we need your support. First one is very important and urgent for us! 1) We are using JWPlayer 6 with premium version on our wordpress site. We are using shortcode like this; [jwplayer player="2" file="http://IP:PORT/vod/mp4:VIDEO.mp4/playlist.m3u8" androidhls="true" ] but with Internet Download Manager, the users can download the videos. Is there any way to pretend this ? Instead of HLS streaming, we tried rtmp streaming. And with rtmp streaming it is not possible to download the videos but also users can not watch them on mobile platforms too. 2) Is it possible to put our logo to player with shortcodes? Thank You

Hey boss: JW 7.10 still DASH useless

Can I ask what are the JW engineers doing over the weekend? // How about the boss, whoever this is, pays them overtime and fix DASH once and for all? DASH streams do not start on Android . Press play , press pause, press play again in order to start playback is not the kind of experience consumers will have a clue about, nor should they have to , That Android issue was identified in Beta stage, reported and re-reported also since version 7.0 , so if this is not a critical bug then what is? As it stands, DASH is NOT a feature of JW Player , it is absolutely production USELESS - and as a customer paying decent money I would like it fixed right now because I have been patiently waiting to deploy DASH, so why not this weekend? WHY NOT INVEST THE MONEY... this weekend!! thanks boss. While you're at it... Chromecast app does not support DASH... you can have ice cream or the ice cream topping, not both!!!

Works all right on Older OS and Browsers, but not all on Newer OS and Browsers

Hi, We are running Wowza Media Server 4 and JWPlayer 6 at our site to allow users to watch MP4 lesson videos. Videos in MP4 play okay on older OS with older web browsers such as Windows 8 with IE 11, OS X (7.x.x), iOS(7.x.x.). However, they don't work at all on Edge, OS X Yosemite(10.10.5) with Safari(8.0.8) or Chrome. When videos are clicked, we either get an error message saying that "Error Loading Media:File could not be played." or it keeps buffering and never playing. Since our site is a subscription based, you will need to have the credentials to access it. Please let me know if you need them to test it out at our site. BTW, I tried to use the direct e-mail support since I am a premium buyer, but it doesn't allow me e-mail directly. Everytime I click on submit e-mail, it reloads the same page. What is the direct support e-mail address?

Android HLS

I'm trying to prevent Android 4.1 and higher from playing HLS, but two devices play it despite including "androidhls: "false" " in my embed code. The way I'm testing this is I have a primary .M3U8 source, and the MP4 source is a different video entirely. When I play it on Android 4.1 and Android 5, both play the HLS. Android 5 actually plays it "ok", but I'm trying to ensure that no android devices play it at all, so the only way I can verify that is if my 4.1 device, and my Android 5 device default to the MP4 file. Right now, neither of them do. Here is the embed I"m using: Loading the player... var playerInstance = jwplayer("myElement"); playerInstance.setup({ image: "POSTER-IMAGE.jpg", tracks: [{ file:'/CHAPTERS.vtt', kind:'chapters' }], sources: [{ file: "SOURCE-FILE.m3u8" },{ file: "SOURCE-FILE.mp4" }], primary: "flash", androidhls: "false", sharing: { code: encodeURI(""), heading: "SHARE THE TRUTH" } });

Stream works on LTE but not on Wifi

My iOS 9 iPhone 5 is trying to watch http://ssdcougars.tv/?page_id=261 While on LTE the video plays at its highest quality, but on my WiFi (5Ghz @ 77mbps per speed test) is only getting the audio only stream. In my SMIL file, the player for the phone on Wifi is selecting the lowest quality first and I can't force it up. Why would it play on LTE ok but not Wifi?

HLS - m3u8 - buffering endless

Hello. I just upgraded from JWPlayer 6 to 7. Trying to stream a m3u8-file the player reacts strange. I am using a playlist. The following happens: 1. starting the file the buffer symbol rorates endless in the middle of the screen 2. the bitrate choice is only available, when switching to the second playlist item, switching back to the first, bitate menu exists. 3. switching to a playlistitem, the video is loaded, but the endtime is not presen, stays zero. Is anyone having the same problems?
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